The Government Digital Service is a team within Cabinet Office tasked with transforming government digital services.

Their core purpose is to ensure the Government offers world-class digital products that meet people’s needs.

We helped with building the founding technical team from 10 through to 200 over two and a half years, and then handed over to a full in house recruiting team. Our main role was to source the hardest to find, most technically capable, developers in the UK – and then convince them to work as Civil Servants.


Thayer has been central to the creation of the Government Digital Service. Sourcing and managing key people, creating and driving a team from scratch, not to mention playing a key part in knitting together a disparate bunch of outstanding digital people into a high performing team. Thayer’s insight, pragmatism and entrepreneurialism make her a standout digital advisor and partner.
Mike Bracken Executive Director, Digital at Cabinet Office, British Government